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CII and PFS condemn online harassment among advisers

CII and PFS condemn online harassment among advisers
The CII and PFS have observed several incidents in recent weeks that have caused upset to individuals (Photo: Pixabay/Pexels)

The Personal Finance Society and the Chartered Insurance Institute have called out recent online harassment among its members.

In a joint statement, the CII and PFS stated they had observed several incidents in recent weeks that have caused upset to individuals, and which have the potential to have caused an “erosion in public trust of our professions”.

The PFS and CII therefore reminded members they are all bound by the CII code of ethics.

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As a result, any unprofessional behaviour will most likely be referred for consideration under the CII’s disciplinary process.

If anyone is found to have breached the code then they could have their membership withdrawn.

The CII and PFS said: “We would like to thank those members who have called out inappropriate online behaviours and we urge all our members to work together to build and retain trust in the insurance, financial planning, and mortgage advice professions."

Additionally, both the CII and the PFS stated that they encourage members to provide them with “honest opinions and feedback”.

However, they specified that it’s important to remind members that they all have a responsibility to conduct themselves in ways that enhance the reputation of professionals.

“While there will always be matters on which individuals may disagree, the online harassment of other members, board representatives, or employees of the PFS and CII will not be tolerated,” they added.

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