General election  

Labour wins in landslide victory ending 14-year Tory leadership

“It is vital however that reform does not worsen an already chronic shortage of rental properties to meet demand.”

On social care, Alastair Black, heads of savings policy at Abrdn, said: “Social care reform also can’t slip down the list – after pensions, it has to be the single biggest issue creating uncertainty for long-term planning. 

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“Currently, there’s a support vacuum that makes it very hard for people to plan with confidence. We need to see the government tackle this difficult, but important, issue head on, and not kick it into the long grass. We’ve already seen the planned social care cap pushed back into 2025.  

“Ultimately, we want to see that any and all future policy changes are based on thoughtful reform, built around consensus and with a long-term view in mind. Change can absolutely deliver good outcomes. 

“But toing and froing undermines long-term planning. It was welcome to see Labour commit to not reinstating the LTA with that in mind.”