
Influencers unite to support financial awareness campaign

Influencers unite to support financial awareness campaign
The Global Money Week campaign is supported by Marcus Bronzy, Mr Money Jar, and, Poku Banks (Fauxels/Pexels)

Financial influencers have joined forces to back a campaign to raise awareness of financial scams and promote financial capability in young people.

The Global Money Week campaign, run by UK financial charity MyBnk, is supported by broadcaster and tech expert Marcus Bronzy,  financial adviser Mr Money Jar, and content creator Poku Banks.

Targeting 16-24 year olds, Global Money Week runs from the 18th to the 24th March and sees the launch of a digital platform, Money Ready, where youngsters can test their money readiness and discover their spending persona by visiting a website.

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MyBnk CEO, Leon Ward, said: “MyBnk’s prime focus is delivering a sound financial education to children and young people.

“Financial education is an extremely powerful tool that enables individuals to make informed decisions and take control of their money - two essential skills needed in the constantly evolving financial world we live in.”

Ward said, during Global Money Week and beyond, MyBnk encourages everyone to “take an active step” towards learning more about their money.

He also advised that savers should keep a watchful eye over things that can negatively impact them such as scams, so that “young people’s hard-earned money can be protected”.

The campaign follows research conducted by MyBnk which revealed just 40 per cent of young adults possess basic financial knowledge.

“This alarming gap can have serious consequences for their future financial wellbeing,” it added.

MyBnk is a charity that delivers expert-led financial education programmes to 5-25 year olds in UK schools and youth organisations.