Your Industry  

'As an industry, we should reflect the people we serve'

Even as an unregulated firm we recognise these benefits and are on our own journey to be more diverse and inclusive. 

We measure a wide range of DEI metrics and have a diversity, equity and inclusion committee working to implement a detailed diversity strategy. It does demand some time, but this is already paying dividends.

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Like the FCA and Prudential Regulation Authority, we believe that increased DEI can only improve the way financial services operates. 

As an industry, we should reflect the people we serve, and addressing the opportunity cost of excluding whole segments of society from the value that we can bring must surely bring its own rewards – to employees, shareholders and customers alike. 

It is down to leaders to set the tone, agree the strategy and co-opt those network influencers throughout the business to truly bring those benefits to life.

Jon Dean is head of retirement strategy at Altus Consulting