
May dodges questions on triple lock in PMQs

However, the government would have considerable backing from other quarters if it were to scrap the triple lock.

In his independent review of the state pension, John Cridland recommended scrapping the triple lock and replacing it with a link to earnings.

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Former pensions minister Ros Altmann has also argued for scrapping the triple lock, which she said "contains inherent unfairness which will worsen in coming years as more younger pensioners receive the new state pension".

"The triple lock does not actually protect many of the poorest and oldest pensioners because it does not cover all state pension payments," she said.

She pointed out that it only applies to the old basic state pension (worth up to around £120 a week) and the full new state pension (worth up to around £160 a week). 

"Most importantly, it does not apply to the pension credit (which the poorest pensioners receive). A much fairer system would see the double lock protection extended to pension credit to help the oldest and poorest pensioners," Baroness Altmann said.