
Adviser vulnerability: musings on the moon landing

Simoney Kyriakou

Simoney Kyriakou

But while you are determined to be the rock on which everyone else leans, who are you leaning on?

Are you getting the support you need?

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Can you see the stars, even if you don't think you can quite reach them yet?

As I mentioned to one adviser this morning, our old school motto in the 1980s used to be 'Sursum Corda' - lift up your hearts.

So this bank holiday weekend I'd like to encourage you to be good to yourselves. Seek any support you may need. Find something to do that lifts up your hearts. 

And even if you are (and I hope you are) feeling on top of the world - or on top of the moon - do give yourself proper time to rest.

Turn off the phone. Ignore your notifications. 

(Obviously, not the ones from FTAdviser, just the ones from our rivals...)

Instead do something nice for you. There's a world of discovery out there, and a galaxy of wonderful things to see. 

Simoney Kyriakou is editor of FTAdviser