
'Dashboard delay no surprise to anyone'

Simoney Kyriakou

Simoney Kyriakou

What a false economy.

Behavioural psychologists would be urging people to pull out now before they commit even more money and manpower to a dashboard that will probably never see the light of day.

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By all means, providers should go do their own ones. Maybe we will see more of them start to team up with a small fintech provider to build a dashboard that can communicate with other existing ones out there.

It's clear that whatever the government intended with this idea back in 2015 is never going to be what is finally produced, if it is ever produced.

I have no doubt that some office such as the National Audit Office or shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves' proposed office for value for money will declare this whole project a colossal waste of time and resources. 

In fact, I'll do it for them. The DWP-led dashboard would have been the best thing since superannuated income; now it's just a nightmare. 

Keep this article bookmarked because I am sure there will be no Surprise, Surprise hitting us right between the eyes in the years to come when the idea is finally canned and the can is thrown into the Thames (with or without a cement overcoat).

In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing to help your clients secure the very best possible pension outcome. You don't need the dashboard anyway, and neither do your clients – they have you.

Simoney Kyriakou is editor of FTAdviser