Later Life  

How to help clients facing later life planning challenges

  • Identify biggest challenges facing later life planning
  • Explain how to help clients prepare for future and unpredictable costs
  • Explain how to mitigate certain risks in later life planning

Last year brought several challenges faced by later life planners into sharp focus. The pandemic made us far more aware of our mortality and the importance of planning ahead.

The next 12 months should herald an opportunity for wealth managers to scrutinise the later life services they offer to see if they really deliver on the outcomes and needs that their clients are after in the light of the future issues they may face.

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If there was ever a reason to adapt to changes in the external environment it would be now, before risking losing touch with those who do. 2021 should be seen as a great opportunity.

Only by considering any changes to the legislative landscape, delivering consistent and attractive risk-adjusted returns and considering any future needs and costs of our clients, can we deliver a truly robust and value-adding financial later life plan for investors who need it.

Matt Dickens is a senior business development director at Ingenious


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to Matt Dickens, when considering the desired outcomes of someone planning for later life, which of the following is not a stated individual objective?

  2. True or false. Mr Dickens says, when considering the threat of tax changes to later life planning, the approach should always be to allow the investment rationale and wider utility of the service you recommend to lead the planning decisions, rather than just narrowly focusing on the tax benefits..

  3. What is one of the key reasons why Matt Dickens says it is more important than ever to flexibly have access to one’s wealth in later life?

  4. According to Matt Dickens, what are the three of the biggest challenges facing later life planning?

  5. While private investments which are not exposed to market sentiment in the same way as listed investments are seen as riskier investments, according to Matt Dickens what type of investment strategy can help mitigate the risk?

  6. True or false, the UK budget deficit of £400bn is the highest level since 1945

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You should now know…

  • Identify biggest challenges facing later life planning
  • Explain how to help clients prepare for future and unpredictable costs
  • Explain how to mitigate certain risks in later life planning

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