In Focus: When Clients' Plans Change  

How platform changes will affect your clients

  • To understand why platforms might consolidate.
  • To keep on top of innovations in platforms.
  • To be able to help clients choose the right platform for them.

Mill predicts: "Over the next five years, advisers will increase digital connectivity with their clients, evolving their propositions so they are a profitable blend of people and digital contact.

"The advent of new tools will make financial planning a more real-time, collaborative experience for the client."

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As Kenny says: "Platforms may now be a mainstay of the UK financial services, but as a once famous song goes: 'We have only just begun'."


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Platforms are now at a tipping point where they will become what, according to Kenny?

  2. How does Tiller describe the way private equity firms merge two smaller platforms together?

  3. What is a constant, and always will be, according to Back?

  4. What does Mill describe as a "very real pain"?

  5. According to Kenny, what should be paramount?

  6. Mill predicts advisers will increase digital connectivity with their clients over what timeframe?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • To understand why platforms might consolidate.
  • To keep on top of innovations in platforms.
  • To be able to help clients choose the right platform for them.

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