
How can the pensions market help diversify DC savings?

  • Describe the situation regarding the investment of pension funds into illiquid assets
  • Identify the role of CDC schemes
  • Explain the reason for investing into smaller illiquid stocks

While the chancellor has positioned this as all in the interests of savers, I do see something of ‘growth agenda mark II’ in this.

However, whereas his predecessor in 11 Downing Street discovered that chasing economic growth through un-costed tax cuts is just too painful in the short term, this is an altogether more gradual affair. 

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Pensions money can be used to support the growth of our brightest companies. These in turn will be the wealth generators of the future.

And it is that future wealth that today’s pension savers need to support them when their time comes to retire from the productive side of the economy and have others support them through their retirement. 

Adrian Boulding is director of retirement strategy at Dunstan Thomas


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Several of the large fund managers have signed up to increasing the allocation to what percentage of their default fund to unlisted illiquids?

  2. Why does Jeremy Hunt want DC schemes to invest in illiquid assets?

  3. With DC schemes investing in illiquids, there is the daily danger that DC members can ask for their money back at one day’s notice, true or false?

  4. Which of the following statements is true:

  5. Why do decumulation CDC schemes de-risk?

  6. A key pillar of CDC is that the pension income seeks to keep pace with the cost of living, true or false?

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You should now know…

  • Describe the situation regarding the investment of pension funds into illiquid assets
  • Identify the role of CDC schemes
  • Explain the reason for investing into smaller illiquid stocks

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