
Do CDC schemes hold more benefits than DC?

  • Describe how CDC schemes work
  • Explain the advantages
  • Explain the disadvantages

It can not always be better for everyone, but the CDC’s scheme design has smart features that ameliorate the core potential downsides. 

Adrian Boulding is retirement strategy director at Dunstan Thomas 

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Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Why does a CDC scheme hold riskier assets til close to retirement age?

  2. What is the consequence of sharing the idiosyncratic mortality risk?

  3. A CDC scheme will share the systemic mortality risk intergenerationally, true or false?

  4. Why do CDCs not have to hold large capital reserves against future liabilities?

  5. A CDC scheme might not be best suited to those who cannot tolerate a 10 per cent drop in pension income, true or false?

  6. Who chooses the investments in a CDC scheme?

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  • Describe how CDC schemes work
  • Explain the advantages
  • Explain the disadvantages

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