
Ssas vs Sipp: what you need to know

  • Describe how small self-administered schemes work
  • Explain the facility of lending
  • Describe the impact of 'A-Day'

Where multiple beneficiaries have been nominated, a proportion of the assets can be notionally allocated to them without the need to create a separate individual arrangement into which a specific proportion of the property would need to be transferred. 

The single trust method also allows the flexible reallocation of the notional share of the asset between beneficiaries/members in exchange for other assets within the common trust fund. 

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Finally, in the event of any funds remaining on the death of a beneficiary member, those assets can be cascaded down to the next generation, also within the single trust. 

In summary, SSASs continue to offer an alternative and often advantageous route over Sipps, particularly to family-owned, owner-managed and small/medium enterprise businesses where individuals wish to have greater control over and more flexibly use their retirement funds. 

Martin Tilley is chief operations officer of WBR Group


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Which of the following was NOT a consequence of 'A-Day' on SSASs?

  2. The author notes that for a while SSASs were considered the "vehicle of choice for criminals setting up a scam". True or false?

  3. Which of the following statements is true:

  4. Why is a debenture a suitable loan to make out of a SSAS?

  5. The majority of SSASs own the property from which the business trades, true or false?

  6. What is the maximum scheme borrowing limited to?

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You should now know…

  • Describe how small self-administered schemes work
  • Explain the facility of lending
  • Describe the impact of 'A-Day'

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