Course on workplace pensions  

Guide to workplace benefits

  • Describe some of the trends in workplace pensions
  • Identify ways to help lower earners using a net pay arrangement
  • Explain the proposed future for the pensions regulators
Guide to workplace benefits
(Photo: Lilli Waugh/Pexels)


Pensions are a major workplace benefit and there has been much change in this arena over the past 10 years.

Historically people received defined benefit pensions, but these latterly are very much seen as a luxury – the majority of people joining pension schemes these days are likely to be joining a defined contribution scheme, with all the risks and unpredictability that brings.

In the past decade there have been many changes, due in part to the arrival of auto-enrolment – prompting many more people to join a pension scheme, even if it is saving just a few hundred pounds each year.

But now that many more people have joined a scheme, the drive these days is to increase contributions.

Another trend in the past few years has been to bring costs down; many schemes are offering their services to employers at reduced costs due to the economies of scale they can achieve, and this presents opportunities to advisers trying to provide a good service to their clients.

There is currently much activity in the area of workplace pensions – this guide aims to describe some of them.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first feature there are no tools available for clients to make an initial review of their pension situation, true or false?

  2. According to the second feature, what do the changes to the net pay arrangement for lower earners mean?

  3. How can these people be helped before the changes occur?

  4. According to the third feature, many workplace schemes are charging lower than the price cap, true or false?

  5. According to the third feature, additional services are essential for all schemes, true or false?

  6. According to the fourth feature, which of the following does Steve Webb say should happen regarding the regulators of pension schemes?

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the trends in workplace pensions
  • Identify ways to help lower earners using a net pay arrangement
  • Explain the proposed future for the pensions regulators

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