Retirement CPD course  

Guide to pension risk

  • Describe some of the challenges involving risk
  • Identify ways to mitigate that risk
  • Explain some of the challenges facing financial advisers regarding risk in pensions
Guide to pension risk
Pexels/ Cottonbro


Risk is a familar concept to financial advisers when planning their clients' affairs, and in pensions there are quite a few risks: longevity risk, investment risk and drawdown risk; the client's own attitude to risk and their financial resilience.

Trying to incorporate risk into a pension plan is an important part of an adviser's work, but how should advisers go about it? And what role do the different types of risk play in building a pension pot, as well as when the client takes the pension?

This guide will address some of these questions and is worth an indicative 60 minutes' CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first feature, attitude to riak and capacity for loss are the same thing, true or false?

  2. According to the first feature, how much capacity for loss does a young person have in relation to their pension?

  3. According to the second feature, what proportion of people will be retiring on less than they had anticipated?

  4. According to the third feature, taking too little risk can be just as much a problem as taking too much risk, true or false?

  5. Which of the following is NOT a factor to consider in drawdown options?

  6. How can advisers get the best outcome for clients?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Describe some of the challenges involving risk
  • Identify ways to mitigate that risk
  • Explain some of the challenges facing financial advisers regarding risk in pensions

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