
How to borrow from one's pension

  • Outline the pitfalls of a member taking a loan from a Sipp
  • Describe the conditions for a loan from a Ssas to a sponsoring employer
  • Describe the challenges associated with repaying a loan

Here, it is important to point out that this requirement is about how the loan repayment terms are documented at the outset.

It is not about how the repayments are actually made. When it comes to the payments, employers can front-load them or even repay loans early. 

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If a sponsoring employer is unable to keep up with the repayment terms, it is important that the repayments are pursued by the Ssas on a commercial arm’s-length basis to reduce the chances that HMRC decides an unauthorised payment has occurred.

If the repayment terms do not meet the minimum required amount, the unauthorised payment amount is calculated as the difference between these two figures in whichever loan year provides the biggest difference.


The value of the loan must be secured over the full term of the loan on a first charge basis on any asset owned by either the sponsoring employer or another party. 

The security must be valued at least equal to the face value of the loan (including interest) and there can be no other charge on the asset that takes priority over the charge made by the Ssas.

If the asset used as security is ‘taxable property’, such as moveable machinery, there may be additional tax charges, meaning most scheme administrators will not permit taxable property to be used as security against the loan.

If this condition is not met, the unauthorised payment is the difference between the value of the security and the amount of outstanding loan.

Martin Jones is technical team leader at AJ Bell


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. A client can borrow money from their Sipp, without any tax charge incurred, true or false?

  2. Ssases allow for 'sponsoring employers' to take a loan as an authorised payment, true or false?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a condition that an employer has to meet when taking out a loan?

  4. What is the maximum amount of the loan in reference to the net asset value of the scheme?

  5. What happens if a sponsoring employer cannot pay back the loan after five years?

  6. What is the minimum frequency that a loan must be repaid by a sponsoring employer to a Ssas?

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You should now know…

  • Outline the pitfalls of a member taking a loan from a Sipp
  • Describe the conditions for a loan from a Ssas to a sponsoring employer
  • Describe the challenges associated with repaying a loan

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