
Improving pensions for the self-employed

  • List the challenges faced by the self-employed in saving into a pension and the employment landscape in general.
  • Describe what the DWP trials are looking at in regards to self-employed pensions.
  • Identify possible solutions to saving for retirement among self-employed.

While there are other priorities when starting your own business, there might be merit in those who leave to become self-employed agreeing to a ‘trigger’ which will restart contributions after a period of say 12 months, unless they choose to ‘opt out’ at that time. 

We also have the Lifetime Isa. This has not proven particularly popular, and for most employees is far less suitable than a workplace pension with employer contribution. But it does offer a viable alternative to traditional pensions for the self-employed, and can be accessed early, albeit with an exit penalty.

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Implications for advisers

The government has clearly identified that the self-employed population is diverse, with a wide range of different characteristics, needs and behaviours when it comes to saving for retirement.

But it remains committed to improving participation among this increasingly important sector of the workforce.

Of course, the more diverse and individualised the needs, the greater is the value in seeking individual professional advice.

We look forward to seeing the outcome of the trials. But in the meantime, there are huge advice opportunities.

Steven Cameron is pensions director at Aegon


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Contractors working for larger private sector employers will be treated as employees from when?

  2. What percentage of self-employees are saving into a private or workplace pension?

  3. Which self-employed individuals grouping contains the lowest qualified workers?

  4. The irregular earner group is put off pension saving by what?

  5. According to an HMRC report, there is a strong preference among the self-employed to have what over other forms of savings and investment?

  6. The self-employed see the features of an ideal pension product as three of the below. Which is not on their list of preferred features?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • List the challenges faced by the self-employed in saving into a pension and the employment landscape in general.
  • Describe what the DWP trials are looking at in regards to self-employed pensions.
  • Identify possible solutions to saving for retirement among self-employed.

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