Automatic enrolment  

Guide to automatic enrolment

  • To understand how auto-enrolment has worked to date.
  • To learn how advisers can help clients through staging and switching.
  • To understand how investment choices matter with auto-enrolment.
Guide to automatic enrolment


Auto-enrolment has made significant steps towards getting people in Britain into a workplace pension scheme.

Since its launch in October 2012, the government's plan to get more than 11 million people saving for a pension through a combination of auto-enrolment and behavioural inertia has seen more than six million people who were previously not saving for retirement building up a pension pot.

As the smallest and micro-employer are now in the middle of their staging process, the largest employer's schemes are coming up to their three-year review.

This guide explains what large and small employers need to consider, whether to switch providers, getting set up and communicating to employees what auto-enrolment requirements mean for them and how advisers can help support their corporate clients on this journey.

Contributors of comment and information to this guide include: Chris Daems, director of Cervello Financial Planning; Mark Fawcett, chief investment officer for NEST and Robin Armer, senior business development manager for NEST; James Green, head of workplace research for F&TRC; Andy Agathangelou, founding chairman of the Transparency Task Force; Natanje Holt, retirement expert for Bravura Solutions; Glynn Jones, divisional director for group savings and investments at LEBC: Helen Baker, partner at Sackers; Graham Peacock, managing director of the Salvus Master Trust; Andy Beswick, managing director of business solutions at Aviva; The Pensions Regulator; Adrian Boulding, retirement director of the Tax-Incentivised Savings Association; Claire Montgomery, senior business analyst for Trafalgar House; and the Department for Work & Pensions.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What has auto-enrolment given to its members, according to Mr Armer?

  2. What has not yet been won, according to Mr Agathangelou?

  3. Ms Holt says what is the only answer for small employers who do not have the money to pay for full-on advice?

  4. Which of these is not listed by Mr Daems as a reason to consider switching?

  5. What does Mr Agathangelou say there is no time for?

  6. According to Ms Baker, what is "always important"?

Nearly There…

You have successfully answered all the questions correctly, well done!

You should now know…

  • To understand how auto-enrolment has worked to date.
  • To learn how advisers can help clients through staging and switching.
  • To understand how investment choices matter with auto-enrolment.

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