Better Business  

Confessions of a Hanoi-based adviser: it pays to be different

William Gray

William Gray

Instead, if I have an engaging chat with someone, I’ll just grab their WhatsApp and then we’re already building a connection.  

What I have found to work has been showing up to events for years past, being a part of the local community, answering people’s questions online, offering to help newcomers settle in, and just reaching out to my network in an authentic way (without resorting to Google search or a sales aid for tips on being authentic…). 

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I think building inbound lead sources takes a long time and a lot of showing up. I think it takes long hours of essentially working for free and it’s a complete pain in the backside at times.

I think it takes a varied approach and requires getting uncomfortable.

Sometimes it takes blasting out an article for FT Adviser so you can put the little ‘as seen in’ in your LinkedIn banner.  

For new advisers and business development managers in the offshore market — try something different.

Most clients I ask tell me they get a lot of inbound messages on LinkedIn offering them financial advice.

If you are going to do it that way, at least have the common courtesy to offer them some biscuits.

William Gray is a financial planner at Infinity Financial Solutions