
Guide to the buy-to-let market

  • Explain some of the challenges of the buy-to-let market
  • Identify the mortgages available to investors right now
  • Describe some of the tax liabilities
Guide to the buy-to-let market
(FT montage/Dreamstime)


Buy-to-let has historically been a reliable way for many investors to diversify their portfolio and gain access to property's investment potential. 

But the sector has been hit by a number of factors that has made life difficult for investors and had consequences for the rental market.

The "mini" Budget of last September forced many lenders to withdraw products, while others became expensive, and changes to the taxation system have also made life difficult for rental property owners.

However, there are signs that the market for mortgages is stabilising, and signs that inflation might be peaking, which suggest brighter prospects for those looking to buy property as an investment.

This guide is worth 60 minutes of CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first article, rates on both residential and BTL mortgages increased very quickly with no notice, true or false?

  2. What is the minimum interest cover ratio for higher rate taxpayers, according to the first article?

  3. What percentage of tax relief do landlords receive on their mortgage interest payments?

  4. According to the third article, what are the consequences for landlords remortgaging away from their existing lender?

  5. According to the third article, swap rates have recently begun to creep back up, true or false?

  6. What are experts advising landlords to do regarding their portfolio, according to the fourth article?

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You should now know…

  • Explain some of the challenges of the buy-to-let market
  • Identify the mortgages available to investors right now
  • Describe some of the tax liabilities

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