In Focus: Tax  

How buy-to-let lost its appeal

  • To understand the effect of tax changes on buy-to-let investment
  • To be able to explain the pros and cons of buy-to-let investing
  • To be able to ascertain for which client buy-to-let might be appropriate.

Furthermore, some experts believe buy-to-let has been given a shot in the arm with the extension of the SDLT on £500,000 properties until June 30 and for £250,000 properties until September 30.

Imogen Lea, tax consultant at law firm Wilsons, says the SDLT extension could lead to "a second wave of buy-to-let investments being made".

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She referred to figures from HM Revenue & Customs which show that, in the fourth quarter alone of 2020, 61,800 buy-to-let properties were purchased, the highest quarterly figure since 2017, while 102,267 buy-to-let properties were bought since the SDLT holiday came into effect in July 2020.

Wilsons believes the SDLT holiday was a significant contributor to this upturn in property transactions.

Lea says: "The welcome three-month extension to the SDLT holiday gives potential property investors a second chance to purchase with no SDLT up to £500,000.” 

“The extension to properties valued at £250,000 or less, which will be introduced in July and run to September 30, could see more sustained growth in buy-to-let investments in parts of the country where property prices are lower, or in smaller dwellings.”

“The million-dollar question is whether this will be enough to keep the market buoyant in the medium and long-term.” 

That said, with interest rates still at a record low and likely to remain so, Lea believes this factor could attract more investment to the residential property market for income-seekers disappointed with the near-zero interest on bank deposits and gilts.


"My advice is to anyone that is considering buy-to-let", Varsani adds, "is to work with a great broker and a great accountant. Ensure you understand the numbers, calculate the net return or yield, and think long term, not just short term."

King believes many landlords will seek other tax-effective alternatives in 2021 and beyond.

She says: "With so many other asset classes to consider, from crowdfunding to real estate investment trusts, for example, buy-to-let as an investment will continue to look less attractive as the advantages of doing so become fewer in number."

As FJP Investment's Johnson concludes: "Time will tell if there is indeed a mass exodus of investors from the buy-to-let sector, but there is far less appetite to be a landlord.”


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Johnson says the appeal of buy-to-let is on the wane because of what?

  2. Onerous taxing of buy-to-let has put off whom, according to King?

  3. Varsani says lenders are doing what?

  4. What does Truswell say the higher house prices mean for professional landlords?

  5. What could lead to a second wave of buy-to-let purchases, according to Lea?

  6. What has put the nail in the coffin for landlords seeking limited company status, says King?

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  • To understand the effect of tax changes on buy-to-let investment
  • To be able to explain the pros and cons of buy-to-let investing
  • To be able to ascertain for which client buy-to-let might be appropriate.

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