
Guide to later life lending

  • Describe the importance of later life lending
  • Identify who it would suit
  • Explain some features of some of the products
Guide to later life lending


The mortgage market for older people has changed dramatically in the last few years, as more people are borrowing at a later stage in their life, as retirement itself has changed.

More and more people are borrowing later into their life, as they are no longer completely giving up work, the minute they stop working full-time. 

Some people have other assets that generate income to fall back on, and so the lending market has stepped up and tried to accommodate.

For the less fortunate, this has become particularly pressing as the pandemic has forced many into more challenging circumstances; some of them may be able to call on their property to help them out.

This guide looks at some of the issues involved, and is worth an indicative 60 minutes' CPD.

In this guide


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. According to the first feature, earned income can be considered by some lenders to age 75 or 80, true or false?

  2. According to the second feature, how have equity release products become more flexible?

  3. According to the second feature, people often do not realise they have access to benefits, and do not need equity release, true or false?

  4. According to the third feature, which of the following is equity release NOT expected to be used for?

  5. According to the third feature, which of the following is expected to be a target market for later life lending?

  6. According to the fourth feature, RIO mortgages are good for homeowners with interest-only mortgages coming to the end of their term, and needing a capital repayment, true or false?

Nearly There…

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You should now know…

  • Describe the importance of later life lending
  • Identify who it would suit
  • Explain some features of some of the products

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