FTA Vantage Point: Interest Rates  

What is the longer-term path for interest rates?

  • To understand the impact of geopolitics on interest rate policy
  • To discover how oil prices impact the long-term inflation outlook
  • To understand how monetary policy tightening impacts markets

Finally, an assertive course of action fosters the credibility of central banks, assuring market participants of stable monetary policymaking in the years to come. Historically speaking, markets understood this too: out of the 12 rate-hiking cycles from the 1950s until today, only one (1972-74) resulted in negative annualised returns of the S&P 500 throughout the respective tightening period.

Risky business

Risks abound everywhere you look. There is a chance of persistently higher inflation, of policy error or rate overshoot, and higher rates will likely induce volatility in equity markets in the short term; as do the risks of Covid variants, geopolitical tensions, energy crisis, and regulatory change.

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In the medium to long term however, rates in the low single digits are more healthy than not and – as outlined above – equity markets tend to rise with their promise of a strong economy.

Fahad Kamal is chief investment officer at Kleinwort Hambros


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What does Kamal describe as the "best-case scenario" for markets as policy tightens?

  2. Out of the 12 rate-hiking cycles from the 1950s, which was the only one that resulted in negative returns for the S&P 500?

  3. At what level does the market expect yields to peak in the coming years?

  4. Why does Kamal favour the more optimistic outcome to this rate tightening cycle?

  5. What does Kamal say has been the single largest contributor to higher inflation?

  6. Why does Kamal say we could avoid a wage price spiral?

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You should now know…

  • To understand the impact of geopolitics on interest rate policy
  • To discover how oil prices impact the long-term inflation outlook
  • To understand how monetary policy tightening impacts markets

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