Best In Class  

Best in Class: BMO Responsible Global Equity

The final portfolio typically has a mid-cap bias, something Henderson says is a by-product of not only targeting business with the scope for much further growth, but also because they have found it easier to drive engagement – a big focus for the fund – in this space.

The fund has returned 119 per cent in the past five years, beating the IA Global sector average of 84 per cent. Ongoing charges stand at 0.79 per cent.

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What makes this fund stand out from the crowd is the strength of the responsible investing team. It is a separate unit of BMO, meaning bespoke analysis that is truly independent.

The fund's process is also very thorough, with in-depth customised analysis of companies, making for very considered stock selection. The success of the philosophy has been borne out by excellent performance.

Darius McDermott is managing director of FundCalibre