Fixed Income June 2017  

How to find different yield sources for clients

  • To understand why yield is hard to find.
  • To ascertain which asset classes are providing yield.
  • To understand how yield and risk work for investors.

Mr Kirrage’s penchant for unloved stocks capable of growing dividends has seen him develop a soft spot for businesses that have just slashed their payouts.

“They are rarely welcomed by investors, so when companies do cut their dividends their share prices tend to fall significantly as a result,” he says. “However, history shows that over time share prices recover and dividends grow much faster than the market expects.”

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If waiting on troubled dividend slashers to potentially restore their payouts doesn’t appeal, it is clear that yield-hungry investors might want to consider exploring fixed-income opportunities outside of the UK.

Ultimately, having a good mix of fixed income, equity income and other forms of income-generating investment is the best way to maintain a fund that will provide yield from a variety of sources, as well as diversifying the risk across sectors, asset classes, risk and geographies.

Daniel Liberto is a freelance financial journalist


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Where is Mr Iggo finding some opportunities?

  2. What does Mr Jory say may affect domestic companies?

  3. According to Mr Brain, which country is an example of one where governments are introducing prudent structural reform?

  4. Why are Mr Inches and Ms Binns selling UK gilts?

  5. What does Mr Jory favour, considering the outlook for the UK economy?

  6. What does Mr Iggo say is a tried-and-tested means of getting diversification?

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You should now know…

  • To understand why yield is hard to find.
  • To ascertain which asset classes are providing yield.
  • To understand how yield and risk work for investors.

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