Discretionary Management  

The Guide: Outsourcing

  • Grasp the importance of the digital revolution on outsourcing
  • Gain an understanding of the strategies available
  • Comprehend the outlook for the discretionary and outsourcing space
The Guide: Outsourcing


Outsourcing by advisers to discretionary managers in one form or another is a trend that has accelerated since the introduction of the RDR in 2012, and it looks set to continue. But what should advisers be aware of when considering the large array of outsourcing options?

In this special report


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. In his article Alexander Shaw notes what is "coming even more into focus" in the DFM world?

  2. In the latest DFM Service Review from Defaqto, which of the top three areas of importance was "borderline" at satisfying adviser expectations?

  3. What does Lawrence Cook state in his article is "where the crux of advisory administration can become a real headache"?

  4. What does Ben Willis suggest is the "battleground to win new business"?

  5. According to Adam French's article, what has enabled a "new breed of wealth managers to analyse enormous quantities of data"?

  6. The Defaqto DFM Service Report notes among advisers using DFMs, there is a trend developing. What is it?

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You should now know…

  • Grasp the importance of the digital revolution on outsourcing
  • Gain an understanding of the strategies available
  • Comprehend the outlook for the discretionary and outsourcing space

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