In Focus: Consumer duty 1 year on  

Consumer duty will 'turbo charge' MPS take up

He says: "We can see demand growing, driven by consumer duty, driving both more advisers to outsource their investment proposition to MPS propositions and within DFMs to help drive efficiency in their businesses through extending the cost synergies of MPS to a greater number of bespoke portfolios.

"Artificial intelligence has the potential to develop this further and we think it is inevitable we will see growth."

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Cook believes the provider might have been too early to bring such functionality to market – a solution looking for a problem people did not yet know they had.

Going forward this could change, he says.

"I think increasingly, as we see advisers move towards MPS but still want to have some personalisation, either at individual client level or at target market cohort level, I think we will see that evolution of the MPS."

Carmen Reichman is multi-media editor at FT Adviser