In Focus: Profitable advice business  

How to benefit from effective outsourcing

  • Learn how to outsource effectively
  • Communicate the benefits of outsourcing
  • Understand the regulatory requirements around outsourcing

It is important to document your reason for selecting the outsourcer and your ongoing review meetings. Clear and robust records should be maintained. 

Communication, trust and relevant expertise are the three pillars to a successful third-party partnership.

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If the business you are outsourcing to does not understand your firm, its clients and the markets you operate within, it is often an arrangement destined to fail. 

Melanie Gharpetian is head of account management at Threesixty Services


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. What are the benefits of good outsourcing?

  2. Advisers can outsource their regulatory obligations. True or false?

  3. What can advice firms not generally outsource?

  4. Advisers are not required to keep in depth records about due diligence when outsourcing. True or false?

  5. What should advisers do when outsourcing?

  6. What should advisers consider before outsourcing?

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  • Learn how to outsource effectively
  • Communicate the benefits of outsourcing
  • Understand the regulatory requirements around outsourcing

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