Vantage Point: Economic Outlook  

Investment vs inflation risk: the importance of staying invested

  • Explain the impact of inflation on portfolios
  • Identify the current risks in one's portfolio, given high inflation
  • Describe the kind of approach investors should take with their portfolio

The consequences of the most recent inflation spike has been binary; as commodity prices spiral upwards, this benefits businesses in the energy and materials sectors, and penalises manufacturers in the consumer discretionary sector, for example.

As the cost of living squeeze has an ever greater impact on populations worldwide, non-essential spending is weakening considerably, further undermining consumer discretionary businesses.

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The frothier end of the technology sector has also suffered a significant de-rating as investors increasingly focus on dependable businesses with reasonable valuations, a reliable growth trajectory and real-time profitability.

As humans we are asymmetrically loss averse – a lost £1 gives more pain than a gained £1 gives pleasure – but in an inflationary environment it is important that investors are not paralysed by risk aversion.

Performance since the 1970s illustrates the equity market’s value as a long-term protector of returns. Investors just need to ensure that they allocate to the factors and sectors that will afford optimum preservation.

Henry Cobbe is head of research at Elston Consulting


Please answer the six multiple choice questions below in order to bank your CPD. Multiple attempts are available until all questions are correctly answered.

  1. Low interest rates since the global financial crisis have kept asset prices high, true or false?

  2. Which of the following has NOT had an impact on inflation?

  3. Which of the following is NOT a reason why it is beneficial to stay invested?

  4. What is equity duration?

  5. Value shares are long duration, true or false?

  6. Which of the following sectors are investors NOT buying at present?

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You should now know…

  • Explain the impact of inflation on portfolios
  • Identify the current risks in one's portfolio, given high inflation
  • Describe the kind of approach investors should take with their portfolio

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