Mifid II  

Mifid II’s impact on adviser platforms

This article is part of
Guide to Mifid II implementation

The spokesman for Novia says: “We are not in a position to comment on what other platforms have in place, but as far as Novia is concerned, we are on track for all the changes.”

Allfunds, a pan-European funds platform, has already made a Mifid-II compliant share class analysis tool available for clients, which will provide key product details, and created ways to help support distributors compare and select funds digitally.

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Mr Wilson adds: “With platforms developing different solutions for Mifid II, it is essential advisers understand how the platforms they use are planning to respond.

“This may involve advisers re-doing part of their platform due diligence to ensure they are not caught out.”

Simoney Kyriakou is content plus editor of FTAdviser