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How to net your goals

John Joe McGinley

You will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognise your ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set.

It can give you focus and clarity, and can make you less reactive and more positive and proactive. Goals can literally be the fuel that drives you forward.

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Why are goals so important? In 1921 Dr Lewis Terman of Stanford University began a landmark study of more than 1,500 gifted children, all with an IQ of ‘genius’. The objective was to better understand the relationship between human intelligence and achievement.

After studying the children for decades, Terman found that IQ is not the most important ingredient for success.

Three other factors are far more important than pure intelligence:

• self-confidence

• perseverance

• a tendency to set goals

Let us look at the third, and most important, point (even for geniuses), and identify ways for you to start setting effective goals.

Eight ways to set meaningful goals:

Set goals that mean something to you. Too many people set meaningless goals and then wonder why they do not achieve them. If you do not believe in them then they will never be fulfilled. The purpose of goal-setting is to make a positive impact on your life or business. A goal needs to be motivational, and if you can visualise the impact it will make on you, then you have a higher chance of achieving success.

Goals should be achievable but stretching

Goals need to be achievable, but if they are too easy to achieve then where is the challenge? Yes, we all need the motivation that achievement brings, but always try to stretch yourself when you set your goals.

Be specific

Write down your goals and the steps required to achieve them. Use plain English and terminology you are comfortable with.

Make your goals part of your DNA

You need to commit to the goals you have chosen. They should become part of your daily routine.

Share your goals

Your goals should not be a state secret, be proud of your goals – share them with friends, family and colleagues. They can help you achieve them. It is very powerful to hear the words “I can help you”.

Have a plan

You need to prioritise your goals. No matter if your goals are short or long-term objectives, they require commitment and need to be worked on daily. Do not indulge in what is known as self-sabotage by committing to a number of goals at a time. Time is limited so use it wisely. Identify what are the most important goals for you and commit to them and follow the plan you have agreed with yourself.