
Osborne introduces nil-rate threshold

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Pensions and Tax - July 2015

Pensions have once again been an easy target and individuals with incomes – including pension contributions – of more than £150,000 will have relief restricted by tapering away their annual allowance.

A new green paper questions whether the current system of pensions tax relief appropriately incentivises people to take responsibility for their retirement saving.

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The document considers the background of demographic, market and government policy changes, before going on to examine the current tax-relief system.

The government clearly believes an Isa is also a flexible method of saving and is now drawing greater similarities between the two.

The introduction of more ways to save in an Isa, such as using peer-to-peer lending, and the help-to-buy Isa announced in the previous Budget, must be welcomed and it is our view that the reliefs and benefits of pensions and Isas will merge into one long-term savings plan in the coming years.

Jonathan Gain is chief executive of Stellar Asset Management