
PA: Ashmore Chinese funds

Daniel Liberto

Charges: The UK RDR share class annual management charges are: 1.15 per cent for the fixed income fund, 1.5 per cent for the equity fund and 1.5 per cent for the multi-strategy fund. For other retail investors, the fees are between 1.75 per cent and 1.95 per cent.

Verdict: Whatever your thoughts are on Chinese equities, the opportunity to gain greater exposure to such an important market as part of a diversified portfolio must be seen as a good thing. In the past three months up to 12 August, the MSCI China index delivered decent returns of 17.5 per cent, which some analysts have attributed to a combination of cheap stocks and stabilising growth. However, others fear a potential banking crisis is just around the corner and that recent positive data has just papered over the cracks of a vulnerable economy.

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