
New rules are revitalising markets

This article is part of
Investing for Outcomes - September 2014

“The pace [of growth of ETPs] in the UK doesn’t seem very different to the growth across Europe and in the US, which generally haven’t had these RDR factors to consider. So while the RDR, pension reforms and so forth are factors influencing product innovation to some extent, in terms of actual underlying investment vehicles, I think their contribution is fairly marginal compared to some of the more global factors,” he adds.

Nyree Stewart is features editor at Investment Adviser

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Key facts

• The IMA UK Equity Income sector has been the best-selling sector for net retail sales in June and April 2014

• The Targeted Absolute Return sector saw net retail sales of £112.5m in June and was the best-selling IMA sector in January 2014.

• Only eight sectors have recorded 12 months of consecutive positive net retail inflows, five of which are areas with a specific outcome.